Jeloel’s Asking About Acne:
Which is better: washing oily face with washcloth or without? Many people say that a washcloth is a better exfoliator for oily skin… I don’t have very good results AT ALL with any face washes, even ProActive. I don’t use a washcloth, because in the past I saw no results. What should I do?
The Left Brain’s Reply:
First, washcloths do provide more exfoliation than just washing with your hands. But than can be good or bad depending on the state of your acne. A washcloth or scrubbing cloth can help keep your pores from clogging and prevent blemishes from forming.
But if you already have a full blown zit, the washcloth may be too rough for it. You might actually be making it worse! In that case you`re better off using an acne medication. OTC products like Proactive contain proven acne fighting ingredients like Salicylic Acid. If that`s not working for you, you might try a post-facial wash cream with Benzoyl Peroxide.
However, despite your best efforts, zits can persist. Consult a dermatologist to find out if you need to take antibiotics to get rid of the bacteria that can cause acne.