I’m very proud of Perry for his recent appearance on Dr Oz. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights…

1. Dr. Oz declared that Perry is a “world renowned cosmetic chemist.” You can tell because he has a periodic table hanging on the wall in his laboratory.
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3. Perry did a great job of getting the Beauty Brains brand on national TV! But take a closer look at his lab coat…

4. …It says “Complete Cosmetic Chemist Training Program.” WTF? That must be part of that other damn website that he runs behind my back!

5. Dr. Oz also said that Perry has a “no holds barred reputation” for busting beauty myths. You can tell because of the low, dramatic camera angle.

7. Perry exposes the secrets of Big Argan Oil. Since the show aired they’ve placed a bounty on his head.
Great job, Perry!