I love Tigi products, and my latest conditioner (on subscribe and save) is their Urban Antidotes Recovery. On 2nd large bottle. It conditions well, and I like it. Plus their marketing speak right there on the bottle makes me smile in the shower:
“Beneficial Ingredient: Turbo Hydration Molecules Boost Softness and Shine.” Webster says “Turbo” is : coupled directly to a driving turbine <turbofan> 2 : consisting of or incorporating a turbine <turbojet engine>
I meant to say also that I love all of Tigi’s tongue in cheek marketing stuff. Like Dumb Blonde products (also love those): “By Blonds For Blondes and all the colors in between!” I am SURE that this description is as tongue in cheek as the rest of their stuff, but it sounds almost like one of the more “serious” claims.