Niacinamide, Niacin, and B3, is a catch 22 for me. As I say this, I’m tempted, nope, am singing the theme song from the 80’s TV show, “The Facts of Life”. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both, and there you have niacinamide, niacinamide! Haha…. I need a social life.
Anyways. Yes, it has a lot of AMAZING properties, and there has been some great studies…. in other countries of course, for it’s amazing properties from acne, to anti aging.
But there is some evidence relating to it targeting Parkinson’s Disease
it’s is an antigen as an allergy to some people, which is totally understandable.
Me? I am the kind of gal that dislikes uncertainty. What I don’t like is the unknown of this chemical, those were just the studies I knew about last time I read up, now there is tons more, . I hope that helps!