Before asking, I need to explain something: “lotion”, in the Japanese market, usually means a very thin and transparent liquid (like a toner, not like a milky emulsion).
Second explanation: in the Japanese market the cosmetic launches are often make in two steps: at first they publish to the media a release about a supposedly new technology or a new discovery. Some days, weeks, months or years after that they publish a release about a product that was born with the technology that appeared on the first release. Sometimes the first release is very technical – being difficult to be understand by the average consumer.
Yesterday I read a release from a Japanese company telling they developed a new technology that forms an “α gel” even in a lotion of a very low viscosity. Despite the low viscosity, the new lotion supposedly retains moisture better even than a cream (with a non-stick sensation – thanks to the the “α gel” gel technique).
So my question is: what´s the meaning of an “α gel”? They explained on the release, but my Japanese isn´t good.