How to tell if you need a facial

Cheong`s Facing A Facial:

Do I really need to get a facial to get a perfect complexion or is just cleansing and moisturizing at home enough? If I do need facials, how often should I get them?

The Right Brain Replies:

The first question is: why should you get a facial in the first place? What good does it really do? The answer depends on what kind of facial you get and who does it.

According to the American Academy of Dermatologists, Facial rejuvenation can effectively reduce wrinkles, treat sun spots, tighten loose skin, improve skin tone and color, remove blotchiness, and eliminate damaged blood vessels. They discuss 9 types of facial treatments including the use of Topical Products; Fillers and Botox; Chemical Peels; Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion; Laser Resurfacing; Radiofrequency Technologies; Photodynamic Therapy; Surgical Excision; and Liposuction. If your complexion is really messed up, you may need one or more of these procedures to get it back in shape.

Most of these procedures must be performed by a doctor but a beautician or aesthetician can help you with topical products, chemical peels, and dermabrasion. Depending on the condition of your skin, these treatments may need to be repeated for best results. There`s no way to know how many treatments you`ll need or how often you`ll need them without actually examining your skin.

If your complexion just needs a touch up then you really only need basic facial care like cleansing, exfoliation, massage, and extraction of blackheads. If that`s all your skin needs, The Beauty Brains say that there`s no reason you can`t do that yourself at home. Of course, it`s always more pampering to have someone do it for you, but there`s no technical reason you couldn`t do it yourself. (Oh, and if you`re wondering about speciality treatments like oxygen mists or collagen sheets that spas offer, don`t worry about them too much. While they may feel great, they have little functional effect on your skin.)

The Beauty Brains