Finally An Affordable Wrinkle Treatment That Works

We here at the Beauty Brains almost always end up telling you about things that don’t work. We try to be positive but there is just so much Beauty Care BS we may start to sound like cynics.However, in our hearts and souls we hold out hope and dream of better beauty products. So, when we see something that is proven to really work, we love to report it.

A recent study about the effect of Vitamin A on wrinkles and skin aging is one such development. According to researchers, work done at the University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, showed that a vitamin A (Retinol) lotion was effective in reducing wrinkles, roughness and overall skin aging.

In the study, the scientists took suitably wrinkly volunteers (average age of 87) and applied lotions to either their right or left upper, inner arms. One lotion was a placebo and the other contained 0.4% retinol. They did this for 3 times a week for 24 weeks.

Happily, they found that the skin was significantly improved. The authors theorize that the extra vitamin A likely increases collagen production and helps the skin retain water. The best part is this is a study published in a PEER REVIEWED journal (Arch Dermatol. 2007;143:606-612) and not just some clinical study conducted by a biased company. It’s this extra level of proof that is new.

Beauty Brains Bottom Line

So, what does this mean for you? Well, if you are concerned about wrinkles be sure to find a skin lotion that contains vitamin A or retinol. Of course, this won’t guarantee your skin will improve since companies can put tiny amounts in the formulas and still say it’s in there, but at least there is a chance it will help.

The Beauty Brains