Will the laser comb really help hair grow?

Jim wants to know…I’ve tried products like Scalpmed and Rogaine but none of these have worked too good. Is there anything to the laser comb from Hairmax? It says it was approved by the FDA.

Right Brain reflects:

Wow, this question brings back memories. When we were first starting out with the Beauty Brains, we saw a press release or advertisement and wrote this post about the Laser Comb. We were a smidge skeptical (well, Left Brain was really skeptical!) but they did have a letter from the FDA. The letter didn’t say it worked. It just said it was safe to be sold.

Laser Comb Claims

Indeed things have changed. Modern technology can now be used to treat hair loss. An example of which is through hair restoration surgery. More work has also been done on the laser comb. More tests. More trials. They updated their website which now claims

“In January 2007, the HairMax LaserComb® became the first and only medical laser device to receive FDA Clearance to market for the “Promotion of Hair Growth” in males.”

Plus they say that 93% of men in their placebo controlled, randomized clinical study showed significant increase in hair growth.

They conclude that “HairMax Laser Comb is cleared for marketing by the FDA for The Promotion of Hair Growth in males…”

Guys, are you ready to get one?

Not So Fast

Being FDA approved was a big hurdle to clear, but it does not mean Laser Comb will work for you. In fact, the FDA recently sent Lexington International (the makers of HairMax Laser Comb) a warning letter. Apparently, they were trying to sell the product for women’s use. They also made some after market modifications without telling the FDA. In their warning, the FDA told them…

  1. The product is not approved for anyone except males with androgenetic alopecia who have Norwood Hamilton Classifications of IIa to V and Fitzpatrick Skin Types I to IV.
  2. The Premium and SE models have not been cleared for safety

This means that unless you are a male with a specific hair loss condition, you should not expect this product to work. How do you know if it might work for you? You’ll have to see a dermatologist to determine what type of hair loss you are experiencing.

Should you try a Laser Comb?

No doubt, some controlled studies show that the Laser Comb will work for some people. Whether you try the Laser Comb or not is up to you. The company has convinced at least some people at the FDA that some consumers benefit from using the laser comb. But not everyone as Lab Rat over at Gizmodo proved.

Beauty Brains bottom line:

There are thousands of products that claim hair growth, but few have FDA accepted clinical studies. Even fewer have a noticeable impact on hair growth. It is easier to prove something in a clinical study than in real life. If you have a specific type of hair loss, the Laser Comb might just work for you. Or you might be out >$500. Is the money risk worth the reward? Only you can decide.

Have you tried the Laser Comb? Did it work for you or the man in your life? Leave a comment and let the rest of the Beauty Brains community know.

The Beauty Brains