Questions about silicones in cosmetics

Dead Girl asks…Why is it hard to ask a question here? Where could I type my questions, please ?

The Beauty Brains respond:

Dead Girl’s talking about our Forum where we’re currently fighting a spam-bot invasion. Unfortunately, some real members were deleted along with the bots which is what caused the problems she was having. So, I asked her to send me her questions directly.

I think she’s broken the record for the longest series of questions we’ve ever received at one time! (She listed approximately 17 different questions.)  I won’t be able to cover them all here but I’ll do my best to discuss what I think are the most important ones.

Q: Is “Poly Dimethyl Siloxane” a water-soluble silicone ?
A: No this is just another name for dimethicone which is a very water insoluble substance.

Q: What about “bis aminopropyl dimethicone” wouldn’t it be useless in a Rinse-Out Conditioner if it’s water soluble anyway?
A: It’s not useless because the “amino function” gives the molecule a positive charge. Therefore it can stick to the negatively damage sites on here even after rinsing.

Q: Don’t Silicones clog pores, skin or scalp pores ?
A: No, silicones are none comedogenic meaning that they don’t clog pores.

Q: Are compounds that end with “none” a Silicone?
A: Not necessarily. Many silicones do and in “none”. But some, like cyclopentasiloxane, do not.

Q: In a body shower or shampoo would Silicones block moisturizers out- even after it’s all washed out ?
A: No, silicone is a moisturizer. These things work by occluding the top layer of skin to lock in moisture.

Q: I had a big hair loss and my Doctor prescribed Lindo Spray, a hair serum that has  “Poly dimethyl Siloxan” on top  of its ingredient list.  But right after I started using it, I wanted to know what the heck is that Silicone and how it will restore my hair back.
A: Neither silicone or the other oils in this product will grow hair. At best the silicone will lubricate your hair and reduce breakage.

The Beauty Brains