If you believe everything you read on the internet you probably worried about lead in your lipstick, mercury in your mascara, and cancer from all kinds of cosmetics. Are beauty products really that dangerous? Is the industry really that uncontrolled? These posts help you understand why most cosmetics are safe to use and it warns you about the ones that really can cause you harm.
- How do cosmetics impact the environment? episode 206
- Are cosmetics safer in Europe than in the US? Episode 101
- Do silicones really melt on your hair? Episode 131
- Everything you need to know about fragrance allergens – Episode 126
- Should I use antibacterial soap? Episode 125
- Can bedtime products really help your baby sleep? Episode 123
- What’s the best way to get rid of bed head? Episode 122
- Does wearing makeup give you better grades? Episode 119
- Should you buy Organic Botox from Kim Kardashian? Episode 113
- Are beauty programs for cancer patients dangerous? Episode 107
- Would you buy used makeup? Episode 103
- Can live bacteria cure acne? Episode 95
- Can you orgasm just from smelling mushrooms? Episode 93
- Do cosmetic ingredients really penetrate skin? Episode 92
- Preservative free products can be dangerous! Episode 91
- Is DIY perfume a bad idea? Episode 89
- Men prefer brainy women and other beauty science news Episode 87
- Depilatory or bleach – which is better for hair removal?
- Do mild cleansers really get your hair clean? Episode 83
- Can emulsifying agents wear away fat?
- The new Personal Care Products Safety Act – what you need to know Episode 81
- Are keratin hair straightening products safe?
- Is Bare Minerals 100% Natural lipstick worth the hype?
- Can Just For Men hair dye take the color out of my skin?
- What’s so terrible about propylene glycol?